🐾 Save more, make more with Mirage's popular clearance section!🐾

From time to time, we will clean the warehouse out and offer products at the lowest prices possible (usually cheaper than it costs us to make!) We love these sales because it makes room for new, exciting stuff as well as giving our retailers a boost in margins! Enjoy!

All products below are grab bag due to the large discounts provided!

A special note about grab bag products: We always get a lot of questions about "grab bag" clearance sales so we wanted to clarify what a "grab bag" is for those who may not be familiar! With sales of this nature, products are picked randomly and for our sale, the price you pay is the price per piece. You are welcome to leave us a note at checkout about any preferences (colors or sizes) you have and we will do our best to accommodate you on those but it may not always be possible due to availability. We appreciate your support with these sales, they are a necessary way for us as a manufacturer to remain free from the need to use big box discounters for the Mirage line, preserving our brand and our retailers businesses for years to come!